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Do You Put a Sealant Over Drywall Before You Paint?

New drywall does not accept paint the same way as walls that have previously been painted. When a wall that has already been sealed is repainted, the biggest challenge is covering the old color. Fresh drywall, however, requires some sort of seal so that the paint can adhere properly without absorbing into the new wall.
  1. Absorption

    • New drywall does not absorb the moisture of paint evenly. This means that the paint absorbs more into some areas and less into others, leaving the wall looking blotchy, even after several coats. For that reason, a coat of primer is the best way to seal the drywall. The primer will help the paint to coat the wall evenly, by preventing it from soaking into the drywall.

    Drywall Primer

    • Primer made specifically for new drywall is the ideal way to prepare walls prior to painting. This primer is made with the unique properties of new drywall in mind. It provides the best seal between the drywall and the paint. The paint will adhere well to the primer and coat evenly, without splotchy areas caused by uneven absorption.

    Latex Primer

    • Latex primer is a suitable sealer for new drywall, but additional coats may be required. Standard latex primer is not made to resist absorption, but it will still seal drywall and prevent paint from becoming streaky or blotchy. The first coat of latex primer may absorb unevenly, however, so at least two coats should be applied.

    Paint As Primer

    • Paint can be used in place of primer, but multiple coats will be necessary. The first two to three coats will provide the seal that's normally created with primer. Additional coats will create a smooth, uniform look rather than streaks or blotches. This method requires much more paint to achieve a professional look, and is more costly than coating the wall with primer.


    • Tinting primer before applying it to new drywall is not necessary. It does, though, provide a better base for the paint and reduces the number of coats needed for even coverage. The primer should be tinted to a shade similar to the paint. This is especially helpful if the primer is light colored and the paint color is dark.