Home Garden

Alternatives to Pavers

Whether you're planning a home improvement project to sell your home, for personal satisfaction or to make your neighbors jealous, you don't have to use traditional pavers on your walkway or patio. Pavers are beautiful, stylish and popular. In fact, pavers have an added bonus --- they offer versatility when designing the pattern you want. However, if pavers aren't your choice or if you want to stay away from the popular home improvement choice, you have alternatives.
  1. Using Recycled Pavers

    • Recycling has its advantages. One of them is RubberForm Patio Paver Tiles. These tiles are an alternative to traditional and popular pavers. The tiles resemble blocks. In fact, they are durable and made of 100 percent heavy-duty recycled tire rubber, according to Patio Paver Tiles. The rubber tiles are great for high-traffic areas, or areas that are constantly in bad weather such as extreme temperatures, snow or rain. There are many advantages to using the rubber tiles instead of the traditional pavers. If you're completing the home improvement project alone you won't have to worry: the tiles are easy-to-install. Also, the tiles are safe because they are rubber and not concrete. This means there isn't a hard surface to fall on in case an unfortunate slip and fall happens.

    Implementing Concrete

    • Another alternative is using stamped concrete. Concrete can be used on existing, new or deteriorating surfaces. The time you spend adding the stamped concrete depends on whether you're added a new surface or resurfacing. If you're using the stamped concrete in a new area, you'll have to dig out a foundation where the concrete will be poured. This can be labor intensive. However, the ability to add different color or new look may be worth it to you. For resurfacing, you'll have to clean the area first with a liquid cleaning compound and saw around and under cracks to ensure a perfect bond, according to Concrete Homes Magazines.

    Applying Gravel

    • If you're looking to rock your home improvement project, then pea gravel may be the best alternative to using pavers. Typically, pea gravel is used on patios, gardens and walkways. Also, you can use gravel around your lawn or garden as a decorative accent. Pea gravel consists of translucent white river rock ranging between 3/8 of an inch to 1.25 inches. You can purchase the pea gravel in large or small sizes.