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5 Reasons to Live in Philadelphia

Schools, jobs, community resources and cultural opportunities are on the forefront of any mover's mind, whether you're a young single or have a growing family. Visiting a city and staying a few days is essential to confirming your decision. Philadelphia, once considered the red-headed step child to The Big Apple, has flourished in recent years and now offers some of the finest educational and cultural opportunities in the country.
  1. Educational Opportunities

    • The city of Philadelphia boasts more colleges and universities than Boston, including such academic powerhouses as University of Pennsylvania and Temple, with Bryn Mawr, Haverford and Swarthmore in the nearby suburbs. The city is also home to 10 private -independent schools along with several academic and artistic magnet high schools. Unlike some urban areas, the stellar schools of Philly are not cloistered in one two-mile radius, but are spread throughout the city, making travel easier for children and parents.

    Cultural and Historical Opportunities

    • If you think the only place to enjoy world class cultural opportunities is in New York or Boston, think again. The city of Philadelphia is home to its own world-class symphony, ballet company and art museum which contains priceless artwork from artisans such as Monet, Renoir, Cassatt and Rodan. Philly is also rightly proud of its historic heritage and boasts the Liberty Bell along with Independence Hall, where the original Declaration of Independence was once signed by the Founding Fathers.

    Mild Weather

    • The comfort of a climate affects how much you enjoy a city. Being situated in the mid-Atlantic region, Philadelphia enjoys four different, but not extreme, seasons during the year. Winter months range between 35 and 28 degrees Fahrenheit, while Summer varies between 75 and 85 degrees Fahrenheit. Save for a few cold snaps or heat waves, the climate stays relatively consistent and lets you enjoy the outdoors during any season.

    Easy Transportation

    • Philadelphia's public transportation system, the SEPTA, offer fast, reliable transportation around, within and out of the city. The Philadelphia train station also includes Amtrak service to New York City on multiple schedules. For adventure further afield, the Philadelphia International Airport offers direct flights to multiple European and domestic cities without stop-overs in New York or D.C. The airport is easy to navigate and does not require 45 minutes to shuttle in between terminals, like some major airports.

    Proximity to The Great Outdoors

    • Beaches and skiing are within two hours drive of Philadelphia. Thanks to Philly's centrally situated location, residents can drive to almost any beach along the Jersey Shore in less than two hours during the summer. Which explains why many affluent Philly families enjoy "Shore Houses" during the summer months. And, if you prefer snow, the Pocono Mountains in the northern part of the state are a quick two-hour drive on the turnpike.