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Do-It-Yourself Paving Stone Projects

A drive through any neighborhood can show you the many ways people find to landscape with paving stone. If you want to do a paving stone project in your own yard, it's as simple as designing it and putting the pavers in place. A weekend spent working on a do-it-yourself paving project can make a tremendous difference in your home's landscaping and can help improve the value of your home as well.
  1. Gather Paving Stone Project Ideas

    • View landscaper's websites on the Internet to get ideas for paving projects. Find books and magazines that show a variety of paving stone projects to help you find ideas. Visit neighbor's homes that have paving stone landscaping.

      Go to your local home improvement center or landscape business to view the types of pavers that are readily available. Talk with do-it-yourselfers as well as professionals who have experience working with pavers. Find out what works for your location. Soils, drainage and rainfall can all affect the finished paving project.

    Design Your Paving Stone Project

    • Measure the area where you plan to build. Draw your paving project to scale. Indicate what types of stones you plan as your edgers and as the middle pieces. This should give you a good idea of how many pavers you need as well as how much stone cutting you might need to do.

      Order your pavers or pick them up. Allow 5 percent extra for cutting and breakage. Also order the sand and gravel necessary for the project. Call your local utilities to make sure there are no buried lines where you plan to put the paving stone project. Make arrangements to rent a plate compactor.

    Build Your Paving Stone Project

    • Dig out the area where you plan to build your project. This amount should equal the depth of the paver plus the amount of sand and gravel you plan to use as base material. Allow extra if the ground is near recent excavations as it may settle as you work it.

      Level the soil. Place a layer of crushed gravel in the excavated area. Go over it with the plate compactor to level it and to form a solid base.

      Cover the gravel with a layer of sand. Run the plate compactor over it as well to make a level surface.

      Set your pavers in place, cutting pieces as necessary to make them fit. Make sure the edges remain straight and that you follow your plan. Once the pavers are all set, use the plate compactor to level them and to set them firmly in the sand.

      Use a broom to brush sand into the cracks between the pavers. Brush from all angles to fill all the crevices. Finish this step with the plate compactor. Add more sand if necessary to finish filling the cracks.

      Add dirt up to the edges of the pavers. Tamp it into place.