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The Advantages of Plant Usage on a Construction Site

Using plants on a construction site provides a number of advantages. Construction site plants are frequently used for erosion control, topsoil protection or simply aesthetic reasons. In fact, there are state laws that require plants or other means of protecting soil on construction sites. According to the Iowa Department of Natural Resources (IDNR), construction companies must obtain storm water permits through the installation and maintenance of erosion deterrents on the job site.
  1. Erosion Control

    • Plants---typically preconstruction vegetation or fast-growing grasses---are utilized on many construction sites to control damaging erosion. Stopping erosion before it starts is necessary to control damage, according to the IDNR. Plant roots hold soil in place and stop the formation of gullies and other water channels in surface soil. Using vegetation around construction sites to create a protective barrier---or vegetative buffer---can help filter soil particles out of water runoff.

    Topsoil Protection

    • Topsoil protection is important on construction sites. The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources recommends the use of temporary or permanent seeding to protect topsoil. Temporary seeding is designed to protect topsoil during construction, while permanent seeding is designed to last the duration of construction and beyond. A common topsoil protection method involves the movement of construction site topsoil to one large mound, which is temporarily seeded then spread out for landscaping upon completion of the construction.

    Aesthetics for Public Relations

    • Many construction companies utilize plants to gain public approval and eliminate eyesores. Neighbors and businesses find green construction sites more aesthetically appealing than large tracts of bare earth. Construction firms use plants to improve public relations with those who view the job site on a daily basis. Plant usage can improve a construction company's image, garner the support of the local population for a project and help the company obtain new clients.