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Anchoring a Custom Closet to a Wall

A custom closet cabinet is a convenient way to expand your closet space and organize your belongings. Custom closets are premade, store-bought pieces built for small spaces like studios that lack an adequate amount of closet space. However, they also can be added to an existing closet to maximize its utility. To give the custom closet a more integrated feel, you would anchor it to a room wall or secure it to a wall in your closet.

Things You'll Need

  • Stud finder
  • Tape measure
  • Electric drill
  • Screws
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    • 1

      Select a wall in the room or closet to which to anchor the custom closet. The closet's place on the wall should not interfere with the door, power outlets or light switches.

    • 2

      Place the stud finder flat against the portion of wall selected and move it from left to right until a stud is found behind the wall. Mark the stud with a pencil.

    • 3

      Place the tape measure behind the custom closet and measure its height.

    • 4

      Move the tape measure to the wall and place a mark along the stud to represent the height of the closet. Draw a line down from the height mark to the bottom of the wall and extend the line up at least one foot from the height mark. This is your stud line.

    • 5

      Position the closet so its largest section is centered on the stud line. Some closets have one area designated for hanging clothes and several drawers to the side of that or underneath it. The largest section is often the one designed to accommodate the hanging clothes.

    • 6

      Look above the closet for the extended stud line to make sure the largest section of the closet is centered. Look to the side of the closet to verify that it doesn't interfere with a door or electrical outlet. If so, find another place to anchor the closet. It doesn't have to be along a stud, but if no stud is used, see Tips.

    • 7

      Find the center of the largest section of the closet with a tape measure. Then draw a line down the center of this closet section.

    • 8

      Measure the vertical length of the largest section of the closet. Then divide the length in three. Space three marks evenly down the vertical line, but avoid placing the mark too near the top or bottom of the space. For example, if the length of the largest section is 6 feet, place a mark for screws every 1 1/2 feet. Place the first mark 1 1/2 feet from the top, the next mark 3 feet from the top, and the last mark 4 1/2 feet from the top.

    • 9

      Drill pilot holes into each mark on the interior of the closet with an electric drill.

    • 10

      Line up the pilot holes in the closet with the stud line on the wall. The closet doesn't need to be centered on the stud line since the stud is not holding up the closet; the closet is simply anchored to it. Make sure the line clearly passes through each screw hole.

    • 11

      Insert the tip of the drill bit through the closet pilot holes and extend the pilot holes into the stud.

    • 12

      Drill screws through each interior pilot hole into the stud. The custom closet is now anchored to the stud.