Home Garden

How to Decorate a Guy's Room

Many men who live with women have to look at flowers and frills everyday in their own home. It's quite common for the women to decorate the house, and the result doesn't always appeal to the men's identity or style. When you decorate a real guy's room, choose things that can reflect the guy's own sophistication, personality and masculinity.


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      Decide on a color scheme for the real guy's room. It can be a bolder color than ladies prefer, but it should definitely hold true to the man's personality.

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      Choose the furniture based on budget and features. Select furniture that's practical but can also reveal the guy's true personality.

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      Browse through pictures to see what kinds of personal moments you can display in the real guy's room. Pictures of him as a youngster on fishing trips, playing baseball or with siblings add charm and symbolism to the real guy's room.

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      Hang up memorabilia that represents the guy's personality. If he is a sports nut, find some portraits of favorite players to hang on the walls. Purchase nice frames for these to keep the room looking stylish.

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      Buy some plants to add a refreshing touch to the real guy's room. While the woman may want to purchase flowers to accent the room, decorate the guy's room with plants or cacti.

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      Consider buying a minibar to accent the room, if the guy likes to drink alcoholic beverages.