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How to Build a Walk-In Closet

Clothing items can pile up over time. With more designer clothes becoming available at less expensive prices, a girl can afford to splurge occasionally on her wardrobe. This creates a need for a bigger closet. Not to worry. A walk-in closet can add personal space and actual value to your home. Continue reading to learn how to create a walk-in closet that is worthy of envy.


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      Create a plan for your walk-in closet. This plan should include things like how large you want the closet to be. Determine whether you will need shelves. Choose what types of materials you want to use in the building of your closet, and pick where you want the closet to be. It is going to be quite difficult to figure out how to build a walk-in closet on the fly. It is much better to have a plan or blueprint in front of you.

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      Assess the situation. Mark the area where the closet will be built. Make sure that there is enough space for the closet. Double check to make sure you have all the materials needed in order to build the closet. If the closet is on an exterior wall, you will need to put a little extra effort into the planning phase.

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      Consider adjustments or alterations that may come over time. You want to make sure to leave room for growth and changes in your closet style. Something as simple as a shelving system can often be altered to fit within the closet you're building. You do not want to waste time learning how to build a walk-in closet that will not meet your needs or expectations.

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      Lay the foundation or footprint of your closet, and begin to build a walk-in closet. It is amazing to watch as the closet begins to take shape before your very eyes. Build according to the plans you created. Make sure that you measure everything twice before cutting. Most importantly, pay attention to all possible safety signals and hazards.

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      Install a new door for your closet. A mirrored door works best for a walk-in closet. It gives the illusion of a bigger room, and you will want a big room to match your big closet!