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Quality Inspection Checklist

Quality inspection checklists are designed to make sure the expected quality of a project is as stated in the contract and that all work has been performed satisfactory to the client's expectations. In this quality inspection checklist, there are really only a few key points with numerous elements as part of each key point.
  1. Did the Project Pass Inspection?

    • Building inspectors ensure projects are up to local code.

      Almost every remodeling project is required to have a building inspection. This inspector is licensed by the state they work in and has been trained to look for code infractions or poor building standards of a project. He will document his findings and give the project a pass or fail rating on all applicable points of the project (such as plumbing, electrical and framing). This is a double check for you and the contractor.

    Does the Job Look Good?

    • This branches into almost every aspect of the products used. Keep in mind that this goes for what you paid for. If you went with the cheapest price, you went with the lowest quality materials. If you went the other direction, you used high quality materials. Items like trim moldings, paint, floors, doors and hardware, however, are generally items that even though may be lower quality than other types, should look professionally installed. This means miter joints are tight, no bulges can be seen on the walls from unsanded plaster and the paint covers the walls completely.

      This is important because everything has to be functional, but it also has to look good.

    Is the Project 100 Percent Complete?

    • Many people are good at starting projects, but not so good at finishing them. This goes for contractors as well. Even if there are little things that need to be done (cabinet hardware, caulking and base trim), it is ultimately your responsibility to make sure the work is completed because it is your house. The contractor should want to get everything completed, but at the end of a project, small items can be overlooked.

    Have I Been Asked to Pay More for Anything Originally Quoted?

    • This is a big red flag if you are almost completed with a project and the contractor says that he cannot finish the project on their original quote. This really is not your problem, but it will become one from a quality standpoint because as soon as you say you are not giving him any more money, the contractor will cut every corner to get the project completed. It will not matter what it looks like, it will be completed. This is why if this situation ever arises, you need to have your original contract available for reference. You need to be watching them to make sure that the work is performed to the standards in your contract, and you need to address any issues immediately. This will save a lot of headaches when the project is completed.

    Develop a Home Inspection Checklist

    • This last portion is a great way to go through a job site and check off the listed items. Every home inspector has a checklist of things that she looks at and details in her reports. This gives the general condition of the entire house. You can use it, however, in single rooms if you want to. Simply call a home inspection company and ask for a blank inspection form, which may cost you from $0 to $50. Either way, you now have an organized checklist to go over the final project. This will help correct any issues that may arise.