Home Garden

DIY Laundry Room Fix Up

Long before the advent of the modern and convenient home laundry room, doing the wash was an all-day and seemingly never-ending task for the housewife or housemaids. Using the kitchen as the laundry room, she prepared tubs of hot water, added soap and scrubbed the clothing against a corrugated metal scrub-board. Innovative minds turned new butter-churns into washing machines. As the housewife turned the crank by hand, the clothes tumbled in the tub, beating the dirt and stains out with the paddle. Modern homes enjoy fully-equipped laundry rooms where machines, not bare hands, do the work.


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      Clear out the room as much as possible and take a fresh look at the space. If equipment cannot be moved, leave the large pieces in place and remove all other items.

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      Check for easy access in and out of the room. Decide whether the entry door blocks important equipment or if closet doors impede movement. Replace doors if necessary.

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      Assess what equipment is vital to your needs. Is that large washtub frequently used for pre-rinsing, or has it become a laundry basket? If you do not need it, remove it and opt for a smaller version.

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      Check the room's lighting. Whether artificial, natural or combination light is used, make sure it is sufficient for day or night usage. Add space lighting above the ironing or folding station.

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      Install durable tile or vinyl flooring that can withstand water and detergent spills.

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      Paint or add decorative accents to create an attractive space. A bright, cheerful decor helps make laundry tasks a bit more palatable.

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      Add shelving or closet space for storage of laundry soaps, iron and board and laundry baskets. Take advantage of space above and around the washer and dryer for shelves,a fold-up table and sorting bins.