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Do-It-Yourself Wall Framing

If you are needing to make a dividing wall or finish a basement, a frame is needed to hold up the drywall or paneling. Basic wall framing is not as complicated as some make it out to be. It is simply 2-by-4 boards spaced a certain distance apart with top and bottom plates, made out of more 2-by-4s, that hold them together.

Things You'll Need

  • 2-by-4s
  • Measuring tape
  • Pencil
  • Power saw
  • Square
  • Stud finder
  • Drill
  • 3-inch screws
  • Plumb line
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    • 1

      Use a stud finder to locate the floor and ceiling joists as well as a side wall stud if you are building the wall out from another wall. Mark the locations so you know where to attach the framing later.

    • 2

      Determine the length you want the wall. Measure and mark one 2-by-4 board to this measurement. Cut the board with a power saw. Use the cut board to mark a second board to the same length. By using one to mark the other, you ensure they are the same length. These are the top and bottom plates for the wall.

    • 3

      Locate by the joist marks on the ceiling where the wall is to go and place the top plate there. Use 3-inch screws to attach the top plate to the ceiling. Use a carpenter's square as you are attaching it, to ensure that it is exactly perpendicular to the side wall.

    • 4

      Place the bottom plate on the floor near the marks for the floor joists. Drop a plum line from the top plate to show you where the bottom plate should be in order to line up with the top plate. Use the square again to ensure that it is perpendicular to the wall.

    • 5

      Measure from the left side of the wall out 16 inches along the bottom plate; measuring from the wall and not the first stud assures that the studs will be 16 inches apart from center to center of each board. Make a line with your square to this point. Repeat by measuring out another 16 inches from the line you drew, and continue to the end of the bottom plate. This shows you where the left side of the studs need to be placed.

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      Measure the distance between the top and bottom plate. Cut one 2-by-4 board to this measurement, then use it as the template for the rest.

    • 7

      Set the first stud along the left side. Screw it into the top and bottom plates with 3-inch screws. Drill the screws at a 45-degree angle through the ends of the stud into the top and bottom plates. If the stud is the one up against the adjoining wall, drill three or four more screws through the stud and into the adjoining wall stud. Repeat with additional studs, placing the left side of each on the marked line. Check each stud with the square to ensure it is perpendicular to the floor before attaching it.

    • 8

      Add additional studs at the end of the wall if the 16-inch spacing doesn't come out even. For example, if the last marked location for a stud is 6 inches from the end of the wall, place the stud in its location, then add a stud at the end of the wall.