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The Importance of Basement Wall Repairs

Small imperfections in basement walls may grow larger over time. Gaps or cracks, especially, lead to water coming inside and mold growth. Flooring cracks or sloping concrete can add to the wall issues, making remodeling difficult. One significant issue affecting long-term stability of the house itself is warped walls. Walls that are bowed may lead to a section of the house falling down.
  1. Watch Small Gaps

    • Tiny leaks may expand quickly. If you live in an earthquake zone, for example, pay close attention to any major changes that seem to happen overnight. While almost any basement will have a few tiny cracks in the blocks, do not ignore a crack that has suddenly gotten wider. It's possible to secure the walls in several different ways to support the home's foundation. Ask for expert advice on using metal, concrete and wood framing to enhance what's in place.

    Find Water Problems

    • Scout around for water leaks. Having a tiny crack in blocks doesn't pose a huge risk until water starts to come inside. Groundwater after a rain may facilitate mold growth quickly. Black mold, especially, is a known health hazard. Channeling water away from outside walls or mitigating the problem on the interior is important. Once mold starts to proliferate, it's an involved process to clean it up.

    Check Structural Shifting

    • A carpenter's level can tell a lot about wall structure. Place the level on various sections of the blocks to see if walls are warping or shifting. Ask an expert to take a look if you spot a serious problem. The house may shift suddenly if a basement wall is actually crumbling. A section of the house wall can cave in. This can happen if your soil is extremely water laden, such as after a flood.

    Use Preventive Techniques

    • Fixing minor moisture seepage is vital. Moisture building up slowly over several years' time will cause mold, mildew and fungus growth. Roll waterproofing compound onto bare concrete blocks as one option. Epoxy injections work well, too. Concrete blocks, due to their porous texture, will automatically transfer some moisture from ground soil inside basement space. To keep the moisture inside the blocks, roll on waterproofing as a simple barrier. Once you build framing for a room, add plastic sheeting over the insulation before nailing on drywall.

    Avoid Hiding Issues

    • Don't get tempted to build around wall problems. If you want to build a family room, you might decide to even out walls by constructing a new wood framing system. You may think that bowed blocks won't hurt if they've been out of kilter for some time, so you'll simply hide them. Heavy rains may change the stability of the wall rather quickly, though. If you cover up the problem, you might not realize it's there -- until you get ready to sell your home, for example. Addressing the issue when the home is under inspection for a new mortgage might frighten away potential buyers.