Home Garden

How to Build a Prayer Room

With the noise, stress and busyness of everyday life, a prayer room is a wonderful place to relax and find peace in prayer and meditation. Create a soothing atmosphere through soft colors, comfortable seating, soft music and candles that will quickly take you away from the cares of the day and into an attitude of prayer. Building your very own prayer room encourages you to seek out a time of prayer each and every day.

Things You'll Need

  • Empty room
  • Candles
  • Lamps
  • Spiritual books
  • Journal
  • CD or MP3 player
  • Soothing music
  • Paint
  • Paintbrush
  • Soft seating
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      Choose an empty room, preferably a quiet room away from the kitchen, playroom or other noisy areas of the house.

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      Paint the walls with a soothing color. Light blues, greens or other earthtones are especially calming.

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      Add soft, comfortable seating. Examples include plush chairs or sofas. Also, pillows placed on the ground offer additional seating and are conducive to kneeling in prayer. Place a lamp in the room to create soft lighting.

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      Place candles and a CD or MP3 player with calming music in the room. Also, include the Bible, spiritual books and a journal to record your prayer and spiritual meditation. Remember to keep the room neat and organized to maintain a peaceful space.