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Metal Sculpting Vs. Welding

Metal sculpting and welding use many of the same techniques, but generally for different purposes. Metal sculpting refers to the shaping and joining of metal for artistic or decorative purposes. Welding, on the other hand, refers to a fabrication technique used to join or reinforce metals or thermoplastics with the assistance of heat.
  1. Metal Sculpting

    • Metal sculpting is a form of art that uses welding techniques to shape and join metal. This practice became more popular after the invention of improved welding processes allowed artists and blacksmiths to create items for aesthetic purposes. In addition to welding, metal sculpting can include the use of a digital cutting machine that uses lasers or stamps to cut metal instead of a torch. Metal sculpting artist Richard Hunt stated in a 1998 interview for International Sculpture Center’s publication “Sculpture Magazine” that this art form gave artists an excuse to use the latest technologies, techniques and materials to create and experiment.


    • Welding is a type of joining technique that the manufacturing and engineering industries use regularly. The purpose of welding is to connect and reinforce the bond or connect materials that individuals rely upon daily, according to the Welding Institute. Forms of welding processes include arc, gas, electronic- or energy-beam, resistance, ultrasonic, induction and plastics welding. Manufacturers weld items as large as bridges or as small as electronic medical implants. Welding can be a dangerous practice that can cause burns, vision damage or loss, electrocution, exposure to ultraviolet radiation or the inhalation of dangerous fumes and gases. In addition to the use of masks, welders wear special gloves and clothing to protect against burns. A welder often uses a gas mask to prevent inhaling toxic particles.

    Combining Metal Sculpting and Welding

    • While several metal sculptures are display pieces, metal sculpting also has useful purposes. For example, a manufacturer can incorporate metal sculpting in the creation of metal staircase balustrading to give rails a decorative look. Decorative metal sculpting can also give burglar bars and fencing a look that serves a purpose.

    Learning the Art of Metal Sculpting

    • To learn how to sculpt metal, you must first learn how to weld. Welding classes at community colleges or art institutes teach students about working with different types of metals, welding safety and about different welding processes. Advanced welding classes teach students about metal sculpting, welding heavy objects and specialized techniques.