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Instructions for Craftsman Drill Press Model #33525926

The Craftsman 33525926 model drill press is an electric tool that allows you to cut precise holes into wood and other pieces that need them. The drill features a key for turning off the drill when it's not being used, and an adjustable stand helps you drill at an angle into pieces of material. Wear protective eye gear when operating the drill.

Things You'll Need

  • Protective eye wear
  • Three long bolts
  • Adjustable wrench
  • 4-millimeter hex L wrench
  • Cloth
  • Piece of wood
  • Long cross screw
  • Marker
  • Motor oil
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  1. Basic Operation

    • 1

      Place the drill's base on a flat surface. Connect the column assembly of the Craftsman drill press to the base by fastening in the three long bolts using an adjustable wrench.

    • 2

      Slide the table support assembly onto the drill press column, and then insert the support lock handle into the hole behind the table support assembly.

    • 3

      Remove the cover from the top drill head, and then slide the head onto the top of the column so that it aligns on the same side as the table.

    • 4

      Tighten the head lock set screws located on the right side of the drill head using a 4-millimeter hex L wrench.

    • 5

      Tighten the handles into all three of the hubs on the drill press, and then clean out the tapered hole in the chuck part using a clean cloth.

    • 6

      Push the chuck up onto the drill's spindle as far as it will go, then tap on the bottom of the chuck with a piece of wood to seat the part onto the spindle properly.

    • 7

      Install a long cross screw into the bottom of the hole in the belt guard on the drill press, then attach the belt guard knob to the end of the screw.

    • 8

      Push in a drill bit into the chuck, and tighten the drill with your hand by turning it clockwise.

    • 9

      Place the material, such as a piece of wood, that you want to drill on the table of the drill stand. Place a backup piece of wood underneath the piece you want to drill; always position your workpiece to the left side of the column.

    • 10

      Connect a drill press vise, an optional accessory, to the drill table if you have a small workpiece that needs to be tightly secured. The vise must be clamped or bolted to the drill press table.

    • 11

      Tilt the table, if necessary, by adjusting the bevel lock on the back of the stand using an adjustable wrench.

    • 12

      Insert the plastic yellow start key into the top front of the drill press, and then press up on the lever switch to turn the drill on.

    • 13

      Pull down on the feed handles using minimal force. It's important not to press down too slowly or quickly on the feed handles, as pressing down too quickly can drill through the piece and drilling too slowly can widen the diameter of the hole.

    • 14

      Pull back up on the feed handles once you've drilled the hole that you want. Turn off the machine and lubricate the tip of the drill using motor oil to help prevent burning of the drill tip after using the drill bit many times.

    • 15

      Press down on the lever switch to turn off the drill press, and then remove the start key. Remove your drilled piece from the stand.

    Drill to Depth

    • 16

      Drill to depth by marking the depth that you want the hole to be drilled on the side of the workpiece using a marker.

    • 17

      Lower the drill bit, with the machine off, until the top of the drill is even with the marking on the workpiece.

    • 18

      Spin the lower nut above the drill down to reach the depth stop lug on the head of the machine. Spin and tighten the upper stop nut down to the lower stop nut.