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How Much Space for a Circular Saw Blade Removal?

Circular saws are vital tools for a number of different construction and remodeling projects. Once a circular saw's blade becomes dull, however, it must be removed and either sharpened or replaced. To remove a circular saw blade safely, you'll need several square feet of clear work space.
  1. Where to Work

    • A typical circular saw has a blade with a diameter of around 5 inches. This means that to lay down the saw and remove the blade you'll need a space that is several feet wide and at least 1 foot deep. While you may not need an entire work bench, a small table also won't suffice. Clear off one section of a work bench, or lay down a sheet of plywood over two sawhorses to create a temporary work area for removing a circular saw blade.


    • Removing a circular saw blade is a relatively simple procedure. Your saw's owner's manual should outline the process with diagrams or detailed instructions. Circular saw blade removal usually begins with depressing a button to unlock the blade housing. It also involves removing one or more bolts by turning them counterclockwise. Use your clear work area to store the bolts in the order you remove them to make replacement easier. Next, after retracting the blade guard, you can slide the blade out of the saw.

    Safety Issues

    • To prevent accidents while removing a circular saw's blade, work on a flat, clean surface. Slanted surfaces may allow blades to slide off, putting your body and feet at risk of being cut. A messy work area is also a safety hazard because it makes it easier to misplace the blade or injure yourself with other cutting tools. To prevent scrapes and minor cuts, wear heavy work gloves while handling a circular saw's blade.

    Circular Saw Operation

    • The amount of free space you have around you is even more important when you operate a circular saw. Once the saw is on, the spinning blade can cut through most materials easily, including those you don't intend to cut. Make sure the work area is clear before beginning and that others in the area know to stay away. Always make cuts in the direction away from your body while keeping your attention on the cut.