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Furnace Testing Equipment

While many heating and air conditioning units are combined, the furnace section operates differently than the air conditioning aspect. Furnaces also can be stand-alone units, and there are a number of working parts within, as well as pipes, vents and other exterior components. While the machines are built to last over the years, parts still wear out, and in order to troubleshoot the machine, a variety of equipment is used to determine what is causing the issues.
  1. Multimeter

    • A multimeter is one of the most common tools used to test not only furnaces, but also a variety of other electrical devices. They come in both analog and digital formats, and they register voltage as well as current and resistance. In furnace settings, they are used to test the thermostat, fan, motor, the switch from hot to cold in a dual system, the pilot light, and any other component that has electrical leads attached and relies upon electricity to function.


    • One aspect of furnaces is dealing with gas pressure for the proper operation of the burners as well as the pilot light. A manometer is a device that measures gas and liquid pressure, and in the case of furnaces, it normally is used to register the pressure of a gas line to ensure there are no leaks. Once the device is attached, the furnace is turned on and off, then the pressure levels are checked to see if there is an increase or decrease in pressure along with maintained pressure when the furnace isn’t operating.

    Gas Pressure Test Kit

    • Similar to a manometer, gas pressure test kits measure the pressure of the gas line. However, they more commonly are used during the installation of a furnace before there is gas within the line, to check for leaks and faulty connectors. There are a variety of different types available, but they always attach to the gas line and have a pressure gauge that shows you the current pressure within the vacuum of the pipes. Another difference is while a manometer is useful in testing instant pressure, a gas pressure test kit also can be used for prolonged testing, such as overnight testing to make sure there are no long-term, slow leaks.


    • Pyrometers are similar to thermometers in that they measure temperature, but they also measure pressure and flow rates, as well as thermal radiation. They are an advanced tool used by furnace specialists to check the temperature within a furnace, as well as within the flue and at the thermocouples, which register heat for the furnace. They can be used to check air temperatures in the vents to determine if the energy output of the machine is within the optimal functioning range for the brand/type of furnace.