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Portable Ladder Self Inspection Checklist

Ladders are used for accessing areas at height; however, they can be dangerous if erected improperly or left to decay and fall into disrepair. It is therefore prudent to inspect a ladder before you use it, to ensure that it is in a good enough condition; ladders should be inspected every three months suggests Thompson Rivers University. Failing to do so could cause severe damage or injury.
  1. General Inspection

    • Take a general look at your ladder. Identify if anything has been spilled on the rungs that could cause a slip hazard. If you are using a ladder which extends, check the catch which locks it into place to ensure it is not broken or damaged. Check for signs of rust and corrosion on metal ladders, and cracks on wooden ladders.

    Loose Parts

    • Check every rung for signs of looseness or damage, and do not use the ladder if any rung is found to be in a poor state of repair. Princeton University states that if a rung can be moved by hand, then it is unfit. Check any hand rails that the ladder may have, and check that it extends smoothly, without stiffness. Inspect the ladder to see if any fasteners have come loose. If you are at all unsure about whether a ladder is fit for purpose, do not risk using it.

    Secure Footing

    • Every ladder must be securely footed if someone is working on it. Check the feet of the ladder for damage, and ensure that they are made out of a non-slip material such as rubber. Make sure that the ladder is even when erected against a wall, as an uneven ladder could easily slip. Always ask a colleague or friend to stand on the bottom rung of a ladder when you are using it to ensure it is securely grounded.

      Make sure that there are no overhead obstructions -- such as power lines -- which could cause serious damage if contacted. Do not use a metal ladder if you are working around electricity. Thompson Rivers University suggests that metal ladders not be used where there is even a remote chance they could come in contact with electricity.

    Step Ladders

    • If you are using a step ladder, you must ensure that the spreaders are sturdy, and that they can be locked into place once the ladder is fully opened. This will prevent the ladder from collapsing when a load is placed on it. Ensure that the steps of the ladder are at least three and a half inches wide to ensure a safe standing platform.