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How to Use a Manual Roll Bender

A roll bender is a machine jig. A roll bender curves -- or arches -- flat bars, square and round tubing, and steel rods. Two wheels on a horizon plane and a third in between them that moves up and down with a manual screwing device are the bending mechanisms of the jig. The bottom of the steel rests on top of the stationary wheels. The center wheel is lowered down to put pressure on the top of the steel. A crank is then manually turned to move the steel back and forth. The more pressure applied from the center wheel, the greater the curve.


    • 1

      Raise the center wheel -- or roller -- up several inches above the two bottom rollers with the knob on top of the bender. Manually feed the steel in between the stationary rollers and the center roller. Lower the adjustable roller down on top of the steel until the steel begins to bend.

    • 2

      Crank the wheel on the back of the bender. The stationary rollers will begin to feed the steel under the adjustable roller. As the steel moves from one roller, under the center roller and over to the next roller, it will curve into an arch. Do not feed the end of the steel past either of the stationary rollers or you will have to start over. Reverse the direction of the crank and make a second pass under the adjustable roller with your steel.

    • 3

      Twist the knob on the top of the roller to add more pressure to the steel and make a greater curve. Feed the steel through the rollers and reverse direction for your second pass. Continue to adjust the center roller in small increments at a time. Make two passes and further adjust the center roller until you have the arch in your steel that you desire.