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Differences of Metals Used in Solder

Soldering is a method of joining that dates back more than 5,000 years. The common uses today include electronic circuitry construction applications. Solder itself is always constructed of an alloy or combination of two or more metals. The different solder alloys are used for different temperatures and applications. Solder is heated to melting temperatures and applied to other metal surfaces to join them together.
  1. General Purpose

    • Also called "half and half solder," plumber's solder is comprised of half lead and half tin. This solder is a general purpose solder and is the most commonly used variety of solder. It has good process characteristics --- strength, non-brittle --- making it suitable for most jobs and it is the best studied and understood solder available. Tin-antimony-lead solder has better mechanical properties than tin-lead as a general solder, but cannot be used with zinc.

    High Temperature

    • Several alloys are suited to soldering at high temperatures, but each has its distinctive characteristics. Cadmium-silver has good tensile strength but is a toxic solder. Lead-silver has good fatigue strength with low to medium flow properties. Tin-antimony is non-toxic, used in food production and has superior electrical conductivity. Tin-silver is expensive solder used in manufacturing medical and high precision instruments, also non-toxic.

    Low Temperature

    • Solders appropriate for use under low temperatures include bismuth and indium. They have more than low temperature application in common, but are still unique. Bismuth is a solder that deforms very easily and requires aggressive fluxes --- liquid cleansers that prevent oxidation --- for good bonding. Indium also deforms quickly but aggressive fluxes are not required.

    Solders for Aluminum

    • Solders appropriate specifically for the soldering of aluminum pieces include cadmium-zinc, tin-zinc and zinc-aluminum. Cadmium-zinc is a toxic solder alloy. Tin-zinc and zinc-aluminum are two alloys that are non-toxic and of equal characteristics when soldering aluminum metal pieces. A higher functioning solder among these three has not been established.