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How to Convert the Drill Bit Letters to Drill Bit Sizes

Drill machines are commonly used in homes and industries for making holes. The drill bit in the front of a drill machine rotates and creates the required hole in the surface it is pressed against. Different types and sizes of drill bits are available. For example, some are used for drilling holes in metals while others are used for concrete or wood. The size of a drill is engraved on the drill bit in the form of letters or numbers, which can be used to determine its actual size.

Things You'll Need

  • Magnifying glass
  • Drill bit size conversion table
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    • 1

      Locate the engraved letter or number on the drill bit. Use a magnifying glass to read it and note it down on a piece of paper.

    • 2

      Find a drill bit size conversion table online. A link to a table has been provided as a reference below.

    • 3

      Locate the letters or numbers of the drill bit in the drill bit size conversion table. In the table given as a reference, these can be found under the column labeled as Wire No./Letter. On the left of this column are the actual drill bit diameters. Find the drill bit diameter corresponding to the drill bit letters or numbers from this column. The value will be in the same row but in the column on left where letters or numbers of the drill bit were found.