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How to Remove Flux From Concrete

If you have recently made a repair or modification to an electronic device with a soldering gun and flux, you might have to clean the flux off a concrete floor. During the soldering process, flux can drip onto surfaces. Once the flux cools and hardens, you can simply use a putty knife to scrape it off. However, since concrete is porous, there is likely to be a small flux stain left behind. You can remove it with a few items you may already have on hand.

Things You'll Need

  • Rubber gloves
  • Denatured alcohol or lacquer thinner
  • Steel wool
  • Dish soap
  • Bucket
  • Scrub brush
  • Rags
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      Put on rubber gloves and pour a small amount of denatured alcohol or lacquer thinner over the flux stain in the concrete. Let it soak in for about three minutes.

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      Rub steel wool over the flux stain vigorously, pressing down firmly as you go. Continue to scrub with the steel wool until the flux stain disappears. Pour more denatured alcohol or lacquer thinner onto the flux stain if necessary.

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      Wait for the denatured alcohol or lacquer thinner to evaporate off the concrete then squirt dish soap into a bucket. Fill the bucket with warm water and submerge a scrub brush into the soapy water.

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      Let the scrub brush bristles soak in the soapy water for a few minutes then scrub the area on the concrete where the flux stain was located.

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      Work up a good lather, scrubbing thoroughly with the brush and soapy water. Empty the bucket and rinse it out then add more warm water.

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      Pour the warm water over the soapy area to rinse it off then dry it with rags. The flux stain should now be completely removed from the concrete.