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How to Choose an Auto-Darkening Welding Helmet

If you are engaged in a serious home remodel or renovation, you can expect to become familiar with welding. Welding creates very bright light that will damage your eyes if you do not take the proper steps to protect them. When purchasing an auto-darkening welding helmet there are several things you must look at to ensure you get the best helmet for your money. After all, the safety of your vision is at stake.


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      Select a helmet that offers a minimum rating of #4 shade for ultraviolet and infrared lighting. Anything less than this rating offers insufficient light filtering, which could result in damage to your eyes.

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      Inspect the packaging to determine the rate of darkening for the helmet. Entry-level helmets darken at a rate of 1/3,600th of a second. The faster the reaction time, the less fatigue your eyes will experience after a full day of welding.

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      Purchase a battery-operated helmet over a solar-powered unit. Battery-operated units last longer and when the battery wears out, you can replace it. When the solar battery wears out, the helmet no longer works, as the battery is non-replaceable.

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      Look for a helmet with an adjustable head strap so you can adjust the helmet to fit comfortably on your head. Non-adjustable helmets usually slip around or cause headaches because they fit too tight.

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      Choose a helmet that offers all of the necessary features but that weighs the least amount. The difference between a 1-lb. helmet compared to a 2-lb. helmet sounds minimal but over a full day, that extra pound can cause a lot of fatigue to your neck.