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How to Get a Pulley to Spin Faster

A pulley system changes the direction of force used to lift an object which, in turn, makes lifting easier. For example, when manually lifting any heavy object off the floor, you must lift against the force of gravity. A pulley system allows you to pull down on a rope and work with gravity. Lifting becomes easier with each additional pulley added to the pulley system. While additional pulleys increase the lifting distance due to the presence of additional rope, you increase the speed at which the pulleys spin due to the reduced force necessary to lift.

Things You'll Need

  • Pulleys
  • Tape measure
  • Knife
  • Rope
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    • 1

      Detach all objects from the pulley system and remove the rope.

    • 2

      Hang a new pulley next to or beneath the old pulley. The location doesn't matter so long as they sit close enough to slide rope through both.

    • 3

      Measure the length of the old rope with a tape measure. Next, cut a piece of rope twice as long as the old rope. You need additional rope to work with since you have an additional pulley in the pulley system.

    • 4

      Wrap the rope around both pulleys. If the two pulleys sit in a vertical arrangement, begin wrapping the lower pulley first. Then, bring the rope upward and wrap the rope around the top pulley one time and bring the rope over to the side you want to pull. For pulleys arranged horizontally, begin wrapping the pulley that sits opposite the side you want to lift. In both situations, leave enough slack on both ends to attach the object and to pull.

    • 5

      Attach the object you need to lift, and pull down on the rope using roughly the same force you used when lifting with only one pulley. Since the additional pulley reduces the necessary lifting force by half, both pulleys spin faster. You have to pull for a longer duration, though, because of the laws of energy conservation. The distance required to lift the object doubles, because the force has been halved.