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How to Clean the Slip Rings on a Miller Welder

The slip rings on a Miller welder become tarnished or caked with dirt from use. To keep the welder working well, you will need to clean the slip rings.The slip rings transfer electric current to the motor. Clogging can disrupt the power supply. Cleaning the slip rings should be part of your regular welder maintenance regimen. Note that cleaning the slip rings may void your True Blue warranty if other parts are damaged in the process.

Things You'll Need

  • Screwdriver
  • Damp, soft cloth
  • Dry, soft cloth
  • Small piece of aluminium foil (about a 4-inch square)
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      Remove the screws from the outer casing and place them in a safe place. Lift the casing from the welder.

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      Locate the aluminium slip rings. The rings are mounted on the motor and their position varies with different Miller welder models. If you are not sure where the slip ring is located, consult your Miller welder handbook for a diagram.

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      Wipe the slip rings with a damp cloth. The surface of the rings should be free of debris and damp from the cloth. Rub the surface of the rings with a piece of aluminium foil.

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      Continue to rub the slip rings with the foil until a brownish paste starts to form. This indicates a chemical reaction that helps to remove residue. Wipe the slip rings with the damp cloth again. They should be shiny and tarnish free. If residue remains, continue to alternate between the damp cloth and the tin foil until the slip rings are clean.

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      Dry off the slip rings once all residue has been removed. Place the casing back on the welder and tighten the screws.