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How to Reverse a Lathe Motor

An engine lathe consists of a large spindle that holds the object you wish to machine. The lathe’s motor forces the spindle to turn in a counterclockwise motion since the turret or tool holder mounts in front of the object you are machining. This forces the object onto the top of the tool. In some cases, you must machine an object while it spins clockwise. For example, you would need this in the event you are machining reverse-threaded bolts or screws. In this case, you must use the built-in gearing system to reverse the direction of the motor, which reverses the direction of the spindle.


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      Turn the lathe off via the power lever. Wait until the spindle stops spinning.

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      Locate the gearbox levers mounted on the control panel on the lathe. Each gear lever is clearly marked. For example, the first lever controls the spindle’s speed, the second lever controls the feed-rate of the carriage and the third lever controls the transmission of the motor. Use the third lever to reverse the direction of the lathe.

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      Rotate the spindle manually with one hand, either clockwise or counterclockwise. Move the transmission lever to “N” or “neutral” to take the spindle out of gear. As you do this, you will notice that it becomes very easy to turn the spindle.

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      Rotate the spindle manually in a clockwise motion as you move the lever to “R” or “Reverse.” As you move the lever, you will feel the gearing mesh and the spindle will become harder to turn. This is normal. The motor is now in reverse mode.