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Do it Yourself House Construction

In order to construct a house yourself, there are many things that need to be done. It is important to make sure that you have the funds for the project. You also need to make sure that you have a good house plan or know someone who will make such a plan for you. Finally, you need to have the construction materials and supplies, as well as be willing to do the work yourself or hire someone to do the work.
  1. Finding the Money and Land

    • Building a house yourself will cost almost as much money, if not more, than buying a house. The first step in do-it-yourself home construction is to figure out how you are going to get the money for the home that you'll build. Whether you take out a loan, find the money in your assets or save the money, you just need to be sure that you have the funds.

      Before you can begin to build a home, you need to have a place to build it. Make sure that you have found land that you can use to build a home. You also need to secure the land and make it your own. You cannot build on land until you own it, and so purchase it before construction begins.

    Making the Plan

    • Before you start to build a home, you need a house plan. If you are good at drafting, you can make one yourself. If not, hire someone to do a plan for you or use an inexpensive Internet program to create one for you. Make sure that the home plan includes all of the basics, including rooms, walls, electric plans and water plans. Add anything else you would like, such as a back deck, a basement or extra rooms. Your plan needs to be created correctly so that it can be read by the people who build your home, or by yourself if you are constructing it on your own.

    Supplies, Materials and Labor

    • After you have the building plan, you need to be sure that you have the right supplies, materials and labor. Arrange to purchase supplies and materials for the outside of the home first. Purchase supplies and materials for the inside of the home as you proceed. You also need to hire labor for the actual building of your home or be prepared to build it on your own. If you do the labor yourself, you might want to have professionals handle aspects such as plumbing and electric work.