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How to Help Repair a Run Down House

Buying and repairing a run-down house can be a rewarding challenge or a big mistake. It all depends on the time and thought that's put into the planning and execution of the repair job. Repairing the house haphazardly will result in a construction disaster. Carefully thinking out every step of the repair job, the cost of each step, how to coordinate the work and how to find qualified professionals to do the work competently will result in a smooth repair and a solid, well-built house.

Things You'll Need

  • Internet access
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  1. Repairing an Old Run Down House

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      Line up financing for the house repair before starting. Be certain that the budget is clear and there is enough money available for the necessary repairs.

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      Ask to see at least two previous completed projects from any professional you are considering hiring. Talk to the homeowners of these projects, and ask if they were satisfied with his work.

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      Insist that each individual responsible for their section of the house repair (electrician, plumber, mason, carpenter, etc.) submit an estimate. If the estimate is overstepped, be certain that the reasons are legitimate (unforeseen complications do arise that are not the fault of the professional) even if it means asking for (and paying for) a second opinion.

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      Consult with a qualified building engineer to find out if there are structural repairs that should be made first. A building engineer should have a B.A. from a recognized university in construction engineering. Structural repairs (roof, foundations, concrete repair, house leveling, pier and beam repair, etc.) should be the first step of the project.

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      Proceed with plumbing and electricity after structural repairs are complete. In most states electricians and plumbers need to be licensed by the state in which they are working. The relevant authority for licensing in each state can be ascertained through the internet (see references).

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      Lay the floor and erect the walls once the plumbing and electricity have been installed. Carpenters and masons will do this work. This is also the time to replace windows, if necessary.

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      Attend to finish work, such as cabinetry, plastering and painting, installing molding, etc. If outdoor repairs are necessary, such as painting or installing vinyl siding, they should also be done at this point. If the budget for the house repairs is exhausted, outdoor repairs can wait for the next stage of work.