Home Garden

How to Raise Money for Home Reconstruction

Home reconstruction is an expensive, daunting project. While most people who tackle it have examined the costs upfront before beginning, there are circumstances where the repairs are unexpected, creating a financial burden the family simply cannot handle.

There are ways to obtain funds to assist with the necessary reconstruction, if you can show that your need is on the level, and you can get the word out.


    • 1

      Verify whether your state or municipality offers grants or low-interest loans for home reconstruction. If your area was affected by regional flooding, for example, the federal government may have given the state money toward the reconstruction of affected homes. Other examples of this are restoration of historic homes or airport sound insulation programs. If the first person you speak with does not seem knowledgeable, ask to be transferred to a manager, or ask what department you should call next.

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      Contact FEMA (the Federal Emergency Management Agency) to apply for assistance, if your home was affected by a disaster. Examples of this are hurricanes, earthquakes or tornadoes.

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      Take your plight to the media. Contact your local newspaper and television news stations to explain your situation, and why you are looking for community support. Be prepared to answer tough questions about your financial status and why you think people should donate to your cause when there are so many other needs in the news.

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      Research local, cable and satellite television shows that do home remodeling and reconstruction for little or no fee. While they may be excited to use your home on their reality program, you could get the work done by professionals and obtain your 15 minutes of fame at the same time.

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      Ask your church (or other religious institution) for help. If you do not attend a church, ask friends and family if they know of a congregation or local charitable institution that could possibly meet your need. While the congregation may not be able to contribute any funds for materials, its members might be willing to take on your house reconstruction as a ministry project, providing all the labor.

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      Approach local builders and home remodeling stores to inquire about their community giving. Explain how this could gain the company positive public relations or free advertising, especially if you plan to take your story to the media. It may be possible to get your materials donated to go along with any donated labor.