Home Garden

House Remodeling Checklist

Before you start tearing out cabinets or walls, it's important to review your plans using a house remodeling checklist. Home remodels can be pricey, and a bit of organization can go a long way towards making sure that you don't break the bank on a single home-improvement project.
  1. Remodel or Move

    • If home improvements are in your future, take a moment to review all of the work you need to or want to do on your house. If you can afford it and the projects you are planning will improve the value of your house, it might be worth the work. It is also logical to remodel if your home needs the improvements in order to sell it. However, if you find that you want to improve a lot or want to make a lot of structural changes, such as adding a whole other floor, stop and ask yourself whether it's better to remodel or move.

    Create a Plan

    • The first step to any short- or long-term home-improvement project is to create a plan. Start your plan by creating a couple of lists. First, make a list of all the places that you would like to improve in your home, such as the kitchen or the bathroom. Then, create a separate list for each of the projects. For example, if one of your remodeling projects is the bathroom, your list for that room might include items such as adding tile, replacing the tub or changing out a faucet.

    Make a Budget

    • Once you know what you want to do, make a realistic total project budget and individual project budgets. Before you begin making your budget, be sure to get a few estimates from contractors, or look over the products and pieces that you will need at a home-improvement store to gain realistic cost knowledge. Then, sit down with that knowledge in mind and decide how much you can spend on each project and on each piece. Add together everything that you want. If the total exceeds your budget, revisit your remodeling list and figure out which items you can do without in your home-improvement project.

    Get to the Project

    • Decide whether to hire a contractor to complete your project or to do it yourself. Once you have decided, start your project. If you are planning to complete the project yourself, go over your list before you begin to make sure that you have all the items you need to complete your remodeling project. Once your home improvement is complete, be sure to review your work or the contractor's work to ensure that nothing has been left out.