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Why Is the Design Process Important?

If you're thinking about renovating or redecorating a room in your home, don't overlook the design process. Whether you tackle this important phase yourself or do it with the help of a trained professional, the design process can save you money and time--and ensure that you end up with the home interior of your dreams.
  1. Identification

    • The design process means developing and refining a vision for your new home interior, then documenting that vision in a way you can easily communicate to contractors and retailers. Depending on your renovation or redecorating plans, the design process may involve architectural renderings or just simple sketches. It could also incorporate a mood board to convey the feeling and style you're going for, including sample colors and textures, and images of furnishings you like.


    • Without the design process, you might make the mistake of beginning a renovation only to change your mind about what you want, or you might realize you don't have enough money because you overspent on things you didn't need. Making changes during the design process will help the overall renovation or remodeling project go smoothly and efficiently.


    • Design is a process with countless variations. A design can be quick and simple, or complex and detailed. Depending on your situation, you may need to produce a floor plan (an overhead diagram of your room), an elevation (a drawing of a standing object or structure) or a detailed blueprint. If you're going to undertake a major renovation, professional architectural drawings might be necessary to comply with building codes and to communicate your plan to building contractors.

    Expert Insight

    • An architect or interior designer can be an asset in the design process. These trained professionals know how to ask the right questions, making sure no detail is overlooked and that contractors have all the information they need to begin work. The best designers will work collaboratively with their clients, offering ideas and creative solutions but also deferring to their clients' tastes and budget.


    • Before you begin the design process, consider your budget, your project timeline and whether you plan to do it yourself or rely on professional contractors. One essential to any design process is to outline your goals for the renovation, determine what the room will be used for, and list essential features and desirable "extras." Another important consideration is whether to collaborate with a professional designer or architect, as this can add to your overall expenses. Consider e-decorating as a lower-cost alternative; e-decorators offer advice online after analyzing photos of your space.