Home Garden

How do I Measure the Square Footage on a Mobile Home?

Measuring the square footage of a mobile home is just the same as measuring the square footage of a house or a room. The only difference is the fact that a mobile home is typically a rectangular shape. Having one shape means only taking two measurements to get the entire square footage, which is easier than figuring the measurement of a full house. Some new models of mobile homes have protruding elements built into them which will make the process take a little longer.

Things You'll Need

  • String
  • Tape Measure
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    • 1

      Lay a string on the ground next to one side of the mobile home.

    • 2

      Stretch the string to the other end of the mobile home. Make sure the string is laying flat on the ground, and not over any plants or curled up with knots. If the mobile home sits on a hill, you will need to hold the string at the bottom of the mobile home and pull tight. If you let the string hang down you will not get an accurate measurement.

    • 3

      Cut or mark the string where the beginning and end points of the mobile home are.

    • 4

      Stretch the string out on a flat surface, like the road.

    • 5

      Measure the length of this string with a yard stick, tape measure or ruler. You will have to reposition the measuring device on the string so remember where you left off. Write this number down

    • 6

      Repeat Steps 1-5 for the other end of the mobile home. You should now have two different measurements. If you have any protruding elements on the mobile home repeat Steps 1-5 for each element.

    • 7

      Multiply the two numbers together. This is the square footage of the mobile home. Multiply any other measurements and add those numbers to the other numbers to get the exact square footage of the mobile home.