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Remodeling Sales Tips

Competition for home renovation is stiff these days, so remodelers must be particularly adept at closing sales to survive. Whether a homeowner wants to make improvements to receive a better price for his property, or he simply wants to make his home more suitable for his family, it is incumbent on the home remodeler to provide good service at a fair price to compete. He must develop other skills to help win the business, as well.
  1. Prospect's Business

    • Find out the business of your prospect before you make the initial call. Let's say the person on whom you are about to call is in the retailing business. Find out what you can about the products he sells because you will have something of interest to talk about at the beginning of the call. It's a way for you to provide information to your prospect that could establish a relationship before you talk about the job.

    Listen Well

    • Listen! Your prospect probably has given a lot of thought about the improvements he would like to make to his house. Allow him to vocalize those thoughts before you share alternatives. In many ways, his home is very important to your prospect, so the more you let him tell you what he has in mind, the more likely you will be successful in landing the business.

    Be the Expert

    • Have a solution to a problem that arises in the initial discussion with the prospect. For instance, he wants to add another bathroom but is bothered by getting the right local permits from the local government. Put his mind at ease by saying you or your company will provide all the necessary permits to do the job. It will tell the prospect that you are "on top of your game" and your are an expert in your field.


    • Tackle the budget only after you have agreed on the proper course of action. If you raise the issue of money before you have become acquainted with the prospect, it is likely he'll think you're only interested in the size of the job. Take a professional approach and discuss budget only after you have agreed on the proper course of action.

    Take Notes

    • Take copious notes while you go through the house and ask a lot of questions Your prospect probably is very proud of his home and, by doing so, you show you are very interested, as well.

    Open House

    • When a remodeling job is about half finished, create an event where you'll invite several of your prospects to the site to explain what the job entailed and the quality that your company thought was necessary to complete it. Be sure you get the approval of the homeowner before proceeding, however.


    • Invite both your suppliers and prospects to show your appreciation. Make sure each prospect meets various suppliers to demonstrate that you must rely on several of them to do a particular job. It will add credibility to your company, which should translate into more sales.