Home Garden

How to Recover From Hail Damage

Hail is a commonly occurring natural phenomenon that takes place when rain in the air freezes into chunks which then rain down on the area below. Hail can be as small as a pebble and, in rare cases, as big as a baseball. After a hail storm, people may wonder how to recover from damage caused by hail. There are several things to check into after a hail storm to see what you can do to recover.


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      Check with your insurance provider. Often times, especially in areas where hail storms frequently occur, certain insurance providers will offer extra coverage to cover damages incurred during a hail storm. You may have purchased hail insurance without even knowing it as it is a relatively small addition to your monthly premium. Conversely, if you already know you have hail insurance, simply go to your insurance office and file a claim.

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      Take account of all the damage that was inflicted on your property during the hail storm. It helps to take pictures to assist an insurance adjuster in his investigation of the damages. If you do not have insurance, you will still need to collect all the data on the property of yours that was damaged.

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      Contact an insurance-approved contractor. These contractors will come to your home and fix the damages on the insurance company's dime. If you do not have insurance, you can use any contractor you want, you will just have to pay for the reparations out of pocket.

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      Have the contractor give you an estimate on what everything will cost. This is only applicable if you do not have insurance. Once you know how much the contractor will charge, you can get a better handle on if you can afford it or not. If not, you will have to purchase the materials to fix the damages on your own.