Home Garden

What Are Non-Standard Handrails?

In a home, handrails are installed for convenience and aesthetics, as well as for safety. In most situations, one of these is more important than the other and which reason is paramount dictates how and where the rail is located as well as the construction used to build it. Other than local building codes that may dictate form and function on elevated decks, around swimming pools and a few other locations, there are no standards to follow. However, in commercial and industrial applications, both the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) do list strict standards about handrails.
  1. OSHA Standards

    • OSHA regulations are written to make handrails mandatory for safety reasons. The codes in effect require them to be installed in a variety of locations; they dictate the height and other dimensions required, as well as the strength of the materials used in the construction of the handrail. The specifications vary based on the location, materials and use of the installed handrail. Anything not in compliance is considered a non-standard handrail, from OSHA's point of view.

    ADA Standards

    • ADA standards for handrails are written to ensure people with disabilities are able to function on their own as best they can with little or no assistance. The standards dictate specific locations handrails are needed, the placement of the rails, as well as the gripping surface and other configurations. Again, the exact specifications and requirements vary depending on the location and intended use. Anything not in compliance is considered a non-standard handrail in the eyes of an ADA compliance inspector.

    Home Safety

    • People owning homes in which people with special needs live or frequent and homes in which the people living there pursue industrial-like hobbies or home-based businesses should look to both the OSHA regulations and ADA requirements as guidelines for installing what would be considered non-standard handrails in their homes to make them safer or more efficient for the people occupying the house.

    Other Home Handrails

    • Handrails built or installed to accentuate the home decor can be constructed of unusual materials such as rope, chromed metal or ornamental wood. They can be installed in unusual locations, as well, to be used for non-standard functions such as room dividers or to fence off sensitive areas.

      Other non-standard rails can be installed for homes with toddlers or young children, to assist people in bedrooms or as hand supports in long hallways.