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Projects to Do When You Are Bored

It's inevitable that even with hundreds of channels of cable television, video games and other electronic entertainment, there'll come a time when nothing appeals to you and you're stuck in boredom. When that occurs, you can choose to remain bored, take a nap, go out and do something active, or you can be productive and tackle some of those projects you've let slide for a few months.
  1. Cleaning Projects

    • A variety of cleaning projects can be accomplished when you are bored. Cleaning out the garage is a job very few people attack with zeal, but when you are bored, it can help you pass the time in a productive way. Make sure you plan ahead and have industrial-strength garbage bags on hand and you have an idea what you want to throw out and what you want to keep. You can also clean out storage sheds, basements and closets, and sift through your pile of junk mail and get rid of everything except any hidden bills you might come across.

    Budget and Finance

    • Budget and finance projects often fall victim to procrastination, making them an ideal way to relieve your boredom. If you've been meaning to set up a household budget, gather the documents you need such as receipts that show your expenses and create a budget. Track your monthly expenses and determine where you are overspending and areas where you can cut back. As a corollary, you can also balance your checkbook and go through your bank statements to make sure that you recognize every charge.

    Art and Craft Projects

    • Arts and crafts projects can serve as an antidote to boredom. You can gather old photos, keepsakes, greeting cards, letters and certificates and start a scrapbook. Create a family scrapbook or select a more unique theme with something that interests you, such as holidays, outdoor activities or sporting events. Alternatively, create a visual board filled with images of things you'd like to achieve in life. You can find images of great vacation spots, clothes, cars, houses, anything that you've visualized as something you'd like to have in your life.

    Return Calls

    • With free time at a premium, returning phone calls from friends and family members often gets put on hold. Relieve your boredom by placing calls and reconnecting with important people in your life. Even if you don't have an actual list of people whom you owe a call, think of friends or family members you haven't spoken to in weeks or months and make a point of calling to see how they're faring. Chances are, you'll forget all about your boredom and get caught up in whatever they have going on their lives, and you'll be able to share the things you've been doing since the last time you spoke.