Home Garden

How to Remodel Farmhouses

Farmhouses, and in particular vintage farmhouses, were often designed with utility in mind, rather than attractiveness or even energy efficiency. Remodeling these homes is no easy undertaking, but it certainly can be done. All you need is a plan and the willingness to get a little dirty.


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      Build a garage. Farmhouses that were constructed prior to 1940 rarely if ever incorporate a garage into the design of the home. When renovating your farmhouse, plan for a two-car garage attached to the home. This will significantly improve resale value.

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      Incorporate a master suite above the home's garage. Farmhouses never had master suites, which are a relatively new phenomenon in home building. Planning and constructing a large master suite above your garage allows you to create a lavish bedroom that not only fits your needs, but also improves the value of your farmhouse.

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      Build a porch. Porches on today's farmhouses are a quaint addition that imparts a feeling of warmth to the home; everyone who wants to buy a farmhouse expects it to include a large, wrap-around porch.

      Be sure to install fans on the ceiling of the porch.

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      Add landscaping to the front yard. Because farmhouses were and still are, largely utilitarian buildings, it isn't uncommon to see corn sprouting up in the front yard, or at the very least, a dairy cow grazing near the front steps. Close off this area and plant trees, construct flower beds and install hardscaping such as rock gardens.

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      Renovate the kitchen and bathrooms. While they are often the most expensive renovations to undertake, renovating the kitchen and bathrooms of your farmhouse will provide you with the most value for your dollar spent. Small farmhouses may incorporate an eat-in kitchen that can be turned into a breakfast nook with relative ease. Install new cabinets and counter tops as well as flooring to finish off your home renovation in style.