Home Garden

Homeowner Responsibilities and Remodeling

Home remodeling is an extensive process that requires the homeowner to plan, budget and take on additional responsibilities. Even hiring a contractor requires the homeowner to conduct reference checks on contractors and ensure that the remodeling is being done to code for resale and safety considerations. On top of making sure the remodeling is correct, a homeowner must also make sure that the cost of the remodeling plays favorably into the value of the home.
  1. Permits and Building Codes

    • Depending on the extent of the remodeling, certain building codes may apply. Check with the local city planner's office about building codes in a particular neighborhood and how they affect a home remodeling. A contractor typically handles electrical, mechanical and building permits, but some contractors may require owners to take on that task themselves.

    Contractor References

    • Before hiring any contractor, you should conduct a background check. Check with the Better Business Bureau for any consumer complaints on the company. Also check with the local city planner or business center to make sure the contractor has the proper licensing and permits to work on the remodeling. Ask for references of previous clients to see how the company's quality of work has been over the past few years.

    Cost versus Value

    • Before signing with any contractor or starting a remodeling project, a homeowner needs to estimate the value of his home versus the overall cost of the remodeling. Remodeling magazine, for example, offers a "Cost versus Value Report" to show the average cost of remodeling projects so that homeowners can compare the return rates on that project and determine whether it is worth it.


    • The homeowner needs to communicate with contractors efficiently. Everything that a contractor is supposed to do in a remodeling job should be written down in itemized detail in the contract. The homeowner should receive a detailed timeline from the contractor in regard to when the contractor will complete each part of the project. The homeowner should request timeline updates and status reports to make sure that the contractor stays on time as well. The homeowner should also ask a contractor what facilities and additional space he requires to complete the job. For example, some contractors may require the homeowner to provide additional storage space for tools and supplies during the remodeling process.