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The Best Size & Shape of a Bedroom

The function of a bedroom is simple -- to provide a comfortable and relaxing place to lay your head at the end of the day. Rooms of every shape and size can fit this bill; however, some may prove better than others. While you may not be able to dictate the shape or size of your bedroom, if you have the option, consider which dimensions and shapes may make the area an optimal place for slumber.
  1. Just-Right

    • Ideally, a bedroom should be neither too large nor too small. As DimensionsGuide.com reports, a bedroom approximately 11 ft. by 11 ft. is ideal. If the bedroom is overly large, you may find it a cavernous space that is not as relaxing as you may have wished. Conversely, if it is overly small, you may struggle to fit all of your furnishing into the space, making it a difficult one to utilize as a bedroom and forcing you to decide what furniture should stay and what should go.

    Large Bedroom Benefits

    • Though there is such as thing as too large in terms of bedrooms, adding some extra feet to your ideal bedroom dimensions could prove a useful choice if you intend to make your bedroom a multifunctional one. Some individuals appreciate a seating area or a reading nook. If you want to place more than just your bed and your dressers in your bedroom, adding some size may be a wise choice.

    Easiest to Decorate

    • When it comes to ease of decoration, the square bedroom is often ideal. If your bedroom is square, your furniture layout is more flexible. If your bedroom is a rectangular shape you may be left with only one wall that will effectively house your bed, limiting your furniture arrangement choices.

    Less Common Shapes

    • If you seek a bedroom with separated areas, aless common shape, such as an L-shape, could prove a useful choice. If, for example, you would like one section of your bedroom to be set aside for sleeping and another to serve as a dressing area, you may want to plan an L-shaped room, allowing you to easily create division within your space.