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Grouting Mortar Bag Tricks

Using grout bags is a nontraditional method for grouting tiles and stones, but it is effective with tumbled stones and bricks where you don't want excess grout on the face of the material. It is different from the smearing method of using a grout float to spread grout into the joints, but you can employ a few tricks to make your grout project a little easier.
  1. Masking Tape

    • The main reason grout bags are employed is because they allow you to target the grout joint specifically, rather than spread the grout onto the face of the tile. However, grout bags are not perfect, and one of the best tips to help keep your grout lines clean and professional is to use masking tape on the sides of the joints to keep any accidental overspill from going onto the face of the material.

    Bag Maintenance

    • Bag maintenance is key to having a positive experience working with a grout bag. For example, cleaning the grout bag with water in between each new batch of grout being used keeps the old grout from crusting up and clogging the tip, as well as causing the new grout to "go off" in the bag more rapidly. Lubricating the bag with water before filling it with grout is also key to maintaining proper flow during the application process.

    Proper Tips

    • While you may prefer to use the grout bag alone with nothing more than the factory hole cut out of the end, grout bags are manufactured to be used with grout tips. The proper grout tip for your joint and type of material is vital to the ease of use associated with a bag. The wrong tip, or no tip at all, leads to too much grout or not enough grout being squeezed into the joints.


    • Pre-sealing certain types of material such as natural stones and bricks can help your grouting process along. Overspill can happen no matter how much experience you have with a grout bag, and, while masking tape is one type of method, pre-sealing the material is another tried-and-true trick you can use to protect the face of the tile from any excess grout.