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How to Overcome Overwhelming House Projects

Any project or goal can appear overwhelming if you do not make an effort to prioritize your time. Household projects can often get out of hand, especially projects which are ambitious in nature. It's vital to properly budget time and to have a clearly defined strategy when tackling any household project. This is especially important when the project is an elaborate one.

Things You'll Need

  • Notebook
  • A helper
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    • 1

      Use a notebook or a computer to outline the task ahead of you. Anticipate how long the task will take to complete and budget your time just as you would for work or school. Discipline and planning in any endeavor enables a person to avoid stress and anxiety.

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      Break the task down into segments or small pieces. This will help to keep you from becoming psychologically overwhelmed. If the entire home needs to be cleaned, perhaps clean two rooms on Monday, two rooms on Wednesday and the remaining rooms on Friday. The day off in between work days will keep you mentally and physically fresh.

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      Set small goals and reward yourself for accomplishing the goals. For example, you might treat yourself to lunch after completing 1/3 of your project. After completing 2/3 of the project, you could take a day off and head to the mall or the beach. These rewards will ease anxiety and motivate you to continue making progress with your project.

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      Ask for help from a friend or relative if the project is becoming overwhelming. If this is not possible, considering hiring someone to help you with the project. This aid will surely help you cope with any stress related to the project.

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      Stay focused during the time you are working. Don't talk on the phone or use the computer when you are engaged in the project. Listening to music or chit-chatting with someone helping you is fine, but don't stray from the task at hand.