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Is It Safe to Cut Granite Countertops in the House?

Granite is an extremely durable material that is considered one of the highest-quality countertops you can install. While you can measure for the countertop in advance, you will always need to do some trimming once the slab is on site. You can safely cut granite countertops indoors as long as you follow a few simple rules for safety and ventilation.
  1. Ventilation

    • The most important part of cutting granite indoors is ensuring that you have proper ventilation for safety and comfort. Regardless of which method you choose to cut the granite, there will be residual stone dust that is hard on your lungs. While safety gear is important, it is equally important to confirm that all the windows and doors to the exterior are open so that the dust has a means of exiting the building or home.

    Safety Gear

    • You can cut granite anywhere you need to install it, although safety gear is always required. While dust masks can suffice, a painter’s mask with respiratory filters on it is the best option when cutting granite. Safety glasses are also a must, as all methods for cutting granite involve a blade of some kind that will throw up debris that can harm your eyes.

    Drop Clothes

    • It is safe to cut granite indoors, but the resulting dust that is thrown up can be difficult to deal with if you are living in an existing home. Dust in new construction will not matter as much because there will be no furniture, televisions and other amenities set up. However, in lived-in homes, you will need to cover everything to protect it. Drop clothes, such as old blankets, sheets or even commercial brands that painters use, will meet your requirements. Sheet plastic is a good option, and you can also use it to block interior doorways to other rooms.

    Styrofoam Covering

    • Styrofoam covering for all of the surrounding furniture is important when cutting granite indoors. You don’t want to damage the walls or cabinets with chunks of granite that could potentially break off, and utilizing Styrofoam covering is an ideal way to protect the walls in your cutting area. You can cut the pieces easily with a utility knife and hold them together with masking tape.