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Tips to Renovate an Upstairs Bedroom

Renovating a bedroom offers individuals a chance to suit a bedroom to their personality and style. While the renovation may include installing new fixtures or purchasing brand new furniture, it's also a chance to make the room more environmentally friendly and a better place to sleep. Renovating an upstairs bedroom may be slightly more of a challenge because supplies and furniture will need to be transported upstairs and through hallways.
  1. Bedroom Curtains

    • When renovating an upstairs bedroom, individuals may want to factor in the types of curtains used to cover windows. Depending on which windows face the sun each morning, individuals may want to choose layered curtains during the renovation, which will completely black out a room and protect occupants from the sun while they are sleeping in the morning or want to take a nap during the afternoon.


    • Installing flooring in an upstairs bedroom can be a hassle because workers need to walk materials and equipment up and down the stairs. According to HomeRenovation.com, homeowners may want to think twice about installing tile or marble flooring in their bedrooms. These floors have a tendency to become very cold in the morning, which makes waking up even more difficult. Carpeting or wood flooring may be a better option for bedrooms.


    • Homeowners can make a smaller upstairs bedroom feel more spacious by placing mirrors on closet doors. During the renovation, individuals can maximize space my minimizing the furnishings and not placing any unnecessary items in the bedroom. For upstairs bedrooms with a long and narrow layout, individuals can divide the area into a bedroom area and entertainment area with a room divider or bookcase.

    Environmentally Friendly

    • During the renovation process, individuals may want to ensure that the upstairs is environmentally friendly. Filling gaps around windows can prevent cool air from seeping in and raising electricity costs. Installing a ceiling fan can help keep people cool during warmer months. Lighting fixtures can be installed with compact fluorescent bulbs, and both eco-friendly mattresses and linens are available.