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How to Use Silicone Grout on the Front Edge of Counter Top Tiles

Counter top tiles require a consistent, even layer of grout to fill the joints in between to adequately protect the sub-base from contamination caused by moisture, dirt or other materials passing through those joints. A silicone grout will provide that protection but only if you manage to fill every inch of the joints. For the front of tiles placed on the edge of a counter top, though, grouting can be difficult. The edge doesn't offer a wide surface on which to work, making filling the joints a more detailed job but still one within the capabilities of most DIY installers.

Things You'll Need

  • Drop cloth
  • Silicone grout mix
  • Bucket
  • Mixing stick
  • Grout float
  • Rounded sponge
  • Lint-free cloth
  • Tile and grout sealer
  • Brush
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      Place a drop cloth directly under the counter top edge along the floor to catch any dripping grout. Remove any tile spacers between the tiles.

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      Mix the grout, following the manufacturer's instructions, in a bucket with a mixing stick until smooth. Use the edge of a grout float to apply the silicone grout in a line along the top edge of the counter top. Make the line about 2 inches wide and about 1/4-inch high so that it smooths on easily.

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      Slide the grout over the top of the counter top edge tiles in a diagonal motion with the grout float edge, covering both the top joint of the edge tiles and the joints along the grout edge of the counter top. Moving at a diagonal will ensure that you don't pop off the tiles by coming at them directly parallel to a tile joint.

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      Push the grout into the open joints, working down the line of grout and tiles until you've filled in all of the joints. If there's not enough grout in the 2-inch line of grout, widen the line by an inch and continue.

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      Wipe the grout from the faces of the tiles with a rounded sponge dampened in water. Using a sponge with edges could drag the grout from the joints as well.

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      Wait an hour for the grout to cure then wipe the tiles with a lint-free cloth to remove any powdered residue.

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      Brush the grout lines with tile and grout sealer to protect the counter top from moisture stains then wait 72 hours before using the surface.