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How Much Does it Cost to Convert a Garage to a Kitchen?

Adding living space to your home is one way to increase its value, make it more usable for your family and avoid the costs of moving into a larger house. However, adding living space does not come cheap. One option is to convert an attached garage into living space, such as a kitchen. However, even this option will represent a significant investment.
  1. Project Scope

    • Turning a garage into a kitchen is a complex process. Even if you have an attached garage with finished walls and plenty of square footage, the structure is likely not rated as living space. To make it part of your home, you'll need to add insulation, install flooring and ensure that doors and windows comply with your local building codes. In addition, a kitchen conversion may require gas, electric and water hookups that don't currently exist, increasing the number of professionals you'll need to work with and adding to the cost of the project.

    Cost Factors

    • The actual cost of converting a garage into a kitchen varies widely, depending on the type of garage and the plans for the new kitchen. In general, the project will cost tens of thousands of dollars. The Reliable Remodeler website notes that adding a kitchen to an existing space, such as a basement, can easily top $10,000, whereas This Old House estimates that a kitchen remodel, complete with new high-end cabinets, can top $25,000. The specific appliances you install, countertop and flooring materials and the overall size of the garage will all affect the total price.

    Saving Money

    • There are several ways to keep your garage conversion project affordable. One option is to use existing kitchen fixtures, cabinets and appliances for the garage conversion and use the old kitchen space as a dining area. Starting with a garage that already has insulation, walls and windows that allow it to be rated as living space will also cut down on your cost. A low-interest loan, such as a zero-interest special credit card offer or a home equity loan, will also reduce the total cost of the conversion if you need financing upfront.

    Added Value

    • The cost of converting your garage into a kitchen should also be considered alongside the value that the project will add to your home. A kitchen remodel is one of the most valuable additions when it comes to boosting a home's resale value, and adding an entirely new kitchen can have the same effect. If resale value is a priority, consider whether a buyer will be willing to pay more for the new kitchen in what used to be the garage. For some homes, buyers will be reluctant to meet a high asking price if there are too few bedrooms or no covered parking, even if there is a large, modern kitchen inside.