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House Construction & Inspection

Every house needs a permit before construction starts and must also pass a series of inspections as the work progresses. The number and type of inspections a house needs to pass can vary according to the requirements of the local building code. Always meet with your local building officials early in the construction process to determine their inspection schedule.
  1. Foundation

    • The construction of the footings, the concrete slab on which the foundation rests, and of the foundation itself require inspection. An inspection will usually take place before any concrete is poured into any forms or molds. The inspector ensures that the footings are level and the appropriate size for the wall they will support. Another inspection takes place after the completion of the foundation, typically before any waterproofing materials have been applied to the walls.


    • After the basic wooden framework of the house goes up, an inspector checks the work to confirm that the correct grades and sizes of lumber have been used and that the framing members were properly placed. She also ascertains that all rough-in electrical and plumbing components placed inside the walls were installed according to code. Only after this inspection takes place can the builders cover the open framing with a finishing material, such as wallboard.


    • Some municipalities require inspections to check a house's ductwork. The inspection takes place after the installation but before the work is enclosed. The inspector ensures that the ductwork is airtight, with the joints properly sealed. The local code may require the use of only certain types of sealants. The inspector might also check to see that all vents are the appropriate size for the appliances they service and that all venting products were installed according to the manufacturer's instructions.


    • A final inspection occurs after the builder adds all of the finishing materials and completes the construction. The inspector will examine the overall electrical and plumbing systems for code compliance and check the roof for soundness. He also looks at all doors and windows to ensure they were properly installed and appraises the interior trim work, such as the baseboards. In many areas, after the final inspection the local building department grants the house a certificate of occupancy.