Home Garden

Proper Window Flashing

One of the most important aspects of installing windows in a home is to include flashing. Flashing is a waterproofing element that wraps flanges and corners, as well as seams, to protect the elements behind the flashing from water damage. If you don’t include flashing in your windows the first time it rains, you will have water all over the interior of your home.
  1. Importance of Flashing

    • While flashing can be a variety of different materials, their importance in windows is unparalleled. The entire seam that runs around a window once set into a frame is basically an open gap where water can enter. Once water gets into the seam, its only way out is to drain down the wall, either on the exterior or interior. Flashing wraps this seam and keeps the water on the outside of the home, on top of the waterproofed elements designed to handle the exposure.

    Proper Installation

    • Window flashing can be many different types of materials, and it is important to follow manufacturer recommendations and installation instructions to the letter. Not only does this protect your warranty, but it also ensures the longevity of the installation. There are numerous protocols available to choose from based on the window you are working with, ranging from copper flashing to plastic flashing.


    • Part of the installation of flashing includes the use of an appropriate caulk. Silicone is generally the all-purpose caulk used in most window installations, as it can be both an adhesive for the flashing as well as a waterproofing element. Silicone isn’t used for all windows, so be sure to check with your manufacturer in regards to what caulking is best for your window.


    • An important factor of proper window installation is the siding. While flashing is important for the window installation, it isn’t meant to be a visible element. Instead, the siding for the home covers the flashing, and integrates it into the waterproofing of the siding. While the type of siding you choose will dictate the installation protocol, siding has to work with the flashing.