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The Difference in Bosch DB441C and DB441

The Robert Bosch Tool Corporation has been producing tools since 1886. And if you're in the market for a circular saw blade, you may come across Bosch's DB441C and DB441 models. They are powerful and affordable, and each blade is constructed with an attention to quality and durability. There are several features, however, that set the two models apart.
  1. What Distinguishes the Bosch DB441C and DB441?

    • First, it's worthwhile to note that while the Bosch DB441C and DB441 have some differences, they have many more similarities. They both weigh considerably less than 1 lb.; they both have diamond blades; they're both gray; and both of these saws are manufactured using lasers instead of traditional heat-welding techniques. Using lasers in the production of saw blades makes for saws that can cut faster and last longer, as heat from welding can otherwise take years off the life of a saw. In short, don't be too concerned about the differences between these two products, as you'll be able to do a great job of sawing with either one.


    • These two saw blades are similar in their measurements, but not identical. Both the DB441C and the DB441 have diameters of 4 inches, but the DB441C will take up a little more room when it is attached to the saw itself, with a height of 6.75 inches and a width of 5.75 inches. By contrast, the DB441 will have a height of 5.60 inches and a width of 4.25. So make sure you measure your workspace carefully and know the details behind your saw before you decide which saw blade you're going to purchase.

    What You Can Cut

    • Another major difference is what you can saw with these blades. You can cut brick, stone and most kinds of concrete with either one, but you can only cut through reinforced concrete with the DB441 model. Further, only the DB441 will cut through steel. Whichever saw blade you use, keep in mind that they both work better when the material you're cutting is dry.


    • One last difference between these two saw blades: the price of the DB441 averages about $15 to $20, according to numerous online retailers (at the time of this publication), while the DB441C sells for about $25 to $30. Otherwise, if you were to look at the Bosch DB441C and the DB441 circular saw blades side by side, you'd probably be hard-pressed to say which is which, or even to notice any differences between the two at all. In practical terms, therefore, it's only when you're cutting steel or reinforced concrete that you'll be able to appreciate whether or not you bought the correct model.