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How to Dispose of Concrete Blocks

After a home construction project, you may have a pile of unwanted concrete blocks that need to disposed of. There are several alternatives for disposing of these blocks, ranging from recycling to hiring a waste hauler to take them away. Recycling is a preferred method for disposing of clean concrete blocks. The blocks are crushed and reused in road building and other construction applications. Some states and municipalities have laws regulating how concrete blocks and other construction debris must be disposed of. Check with your local authorities before launching into the disposal process.

Things You'll Need

  • Sturdy work gloves
  • Safety goggles
  • Wheelbarrow
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      Separate unbroken concrete blocks and stack them to the side. Place the broken blocks in a wheelbarrow and haul them to a site where they can be easily picked up and hauled away. Check with your city or county solid waste office to see if there are concrete recycling companies operating in the area. If so, either haul the broken pieces to the recycling facility or ask if the companies can pick up your refuse.

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      Offer the unbroken blocks for sale or trade. If this fails, haul them to the curb and place a "free" sign on the stack.

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      Contact your local garbage hauler to see how much weight and volume they will accept on their weekly garbage run. If your pile exceeds the weekly limit, separate it into smaller piles and dispose of it over a span of time.