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DIY Brick BBQ Pits

Grilling outdoors can be a fun experience that lets you enjoy time outdoors while you are creating a tasty meal. While there are wide assortments of retail grills available, running the gamut from a simple standing charcoal grill to large propane setup, there is nothing quite like a basic brick-and-mortar BBQ pit for a combination of convenience and flavor. They also happen to be easy to construct, making them the perfect backyard project for the DIY builder with a taste for good food.
  1. Pit Design

    • Many designs are available to choose from for building your brick BBQ pit. Some are available for a price; others are free. You will be able to find detailed construction plans for every type of grill from a single grill BBQ to multi-layer grilling stations as advanced as any kitchen setup. When deciding on a design, consider the use you will make of your pit. Consider factors such as the number of people you will be cooking for, the types of foods you will be cooking and the cooking times involved. Once you have decided on your BBQ requirements, you can choose a pit design that completely fits your needs.

    BBQ Pit Construction

    • Once you have chosen your design, construction of the pit is straightforward. You will need to gather brick, mortar, metal ties, a level, a wheelbarrow, pail and trowel. Your choice of bricks can go a long way toward the look of your pit, but even normal construction brick used in home construction will do.

      Begin your foundation by clearing and leveling the area you will place the pit. You will want a concrete foundation for additional stability for your pit. Dig a hole for your foundation and put a layer of gravel down to deal with drainage and cold weather issues for the concrete. Pour your foundation onto the gravel bed. If you are going for a more complicated grilling station complete with power and gas lines, you should lay those lines first. To be safe, if you have not any experience in placing gas and power, call in a contractor. Be sure to level the concrete foundation for easy bricklaying.

      Once the foundation is laid and dries, you can begin with the brick placement. Mix 5 parts sand to 1 part cement for the mortar, adding water until you have reached a workable consistency. Plot out your walls and then lay the first level of bricks. You will want to lay bricks beginning at the corners, staggering the vertical joints to a half-brick width. Slip a metal tie into the mortar to join inner walls with the outer walls of your pit for additional strength. Check the level between the corners every five courses of bricks to make sure the sides are even. Continue until you have reached the desired height.

      For those layers where you wish to install a grill, place galvanized lag bolts into the mortar. Install the bolts leaving about 1 inch exposed inside the pit for the grill to sit on. The bolts should be placed firmly in the mortar layer of the next brick row, with the layer of bricks holding the bolts in place.

    BBQ Pit Finishing

    • Finish off your pit BBQ in any way you like. Apply a brick veneer on the sides of your pit or a layer of tiles. Even a stucco mix can be applied. A concrete slab placed on top of a layer of bricks provides a solid work surface. There are even more choices in finishing your BBQ than there are in creating the initial design.